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We are an award winning Agency

take a look at our story

Egypt is our great Love. Travel is our passion. As a result of mixing our love with our passion flowered Tours At Egypt. It is our pleasure to Introduce Egypt for you through our passionate eyes and proficient hands. When any one mention Egypt, certainly first hint jump in the mind is pyramids. Yes Pyramids are our proud, the only standing ancient wonder remaining from the Seven World Wonders, Yet let us expose Egypt to you as you never imagine before. Experience the heart of our 7000 years culture. Egypt is a land awash in ancient history, mind-boggling landscapes, entrancing culture, and non-stop fun. Discover the magnificent hidden treasures of Egypt with us in a unique, safe, incredible way....
Awaring of the vital growing role of Tourism industry in developing our country. We founded our tourism agency in 2006 .We were able to build our high reputation and ranked as type A Tourism agency in a short time by our devotion and incredibility to our mission. Accordingly, In order to preserve our excellence and exceed your expectations, we had to cease our activity during the tough times that our country passed by (Arabic Spring Revolution). Now with full confident of our country's stable condition and our contemporary revival view, here we are sprouting again with the same ambition and dedication to our country as well as our customers. What hasn't changed our promise and commitment for making sure you get the best outstanding experience of a life time. Indeed, Professionalism, incredibility, and above all our deep love to this country actually make us different from others.
Our mission is to provide the opportunity for each individual in the entire universe to explore the countless fascinated gems of Egypt. We bring out Egypt's superiority and beauty not only in ancient times but through the Coptic's, Islamic, and modern decades besides its vast tracts of desert, superb scuba diving, and the famed Nile River there's something for everyone here.

Fun facts about ToursAtEgypt

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Quality is our focus. We are a team that creates unique and socially responsible travel experiences, providing services beyond expectations.

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Most liked trips that we offer

take a look at these offers
Weekend trips

Weekends are always looked forward to by almost everyone. After a long a hectic week, it is one on weekends that you relax and enjoy and make yourself feel rejuvenated for the coming week, for the tasks and assignments that you need to do.

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Fun leisure trips

The beauty of a fun leisure holiday is that all the work is done for you. You simply pick which beautiful beach you would like to be lounging on and your travel agent will make sure that everything is arranged so that your hardest decision is whether to order a Pina Colada or a Margarita from your sun lounger.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose us?
Do travel agents even exist anymore?
What is the difference between a travel agency and Expedia?

We believe that the shortest path to obtaining what you want out of life is to assist others in getting what they want first. That is exceptionally true in travel consulting. However, many clients don’t really know what they want.
- We have the inside information and facilities that make your trip perfect.
- Safety and security have always been the top of mind to us.
- All the members of our team are professional .They are passionate about their work and always ready to help.
- Whenever you need us we are always here for you. Our customer service is 24/7.

The short answer is yes. While most of us are more than comfortable using deal sites to book cruises and plane tickets, travel agents still serve a purpose — especially when booking group tours or traveling to a new, exotic destination. With us, you get exceptional personal assistance before, during, and after your vacation.

So let’s say Expedia charges you five bucks, and last minute you can’t go… Or, there is a natural disaster in the destination city, and you are on hold for 50 minutes to find out that they can’t help you because the airline has not made an announcement yet. Working with a travel agency help you out 24/7 if there was a natural disaster; let you know when there is a schedule change.